Digital Dreams: Under the Sun and Moon, VIP giveaway & collaborations
The kick-off party for Digital Dreams happened this past Friday night at the Thompson Hotel rooftop in Toronto. The event was hosted by Z103.5, and featured special guest DJs Rainer and Grimm. The venue was amazing and the food was delicious! The event also showcased some awesome pieces from collaborations with local designers such as Vitaly Design, LTD, and Peace Collective.
The Under the Sun and Moon party was in honour of the upcoming Digital Dreams festival held at the Flats at Ontario Place. For all information regarding the event, please check out, and stay tuned for two VIP weekend tickets that I'll be giving away.
Check out more photos from the event and collaborations below!

Digital Dreams X Vitaly Design

My picks:
Digital Dreams X LTD
Digital Dreams X Peace Collective